De Nieuwe Meent
Amsterdam, NL | 2018-2022
The project de Nieuwe Meent is designed as a large co-housing organism that offers a mix of independent social housing units and shared apartments for living groups, all sharing communal facilities plus public spaces open to the city.
The project is designed in collaboration with Time to Access and the future inhabitants, in a participatory co-design process that creates a house tailor-made upon the needs and desires of the different members of the group. This type of process empowers the future inhabitants and enhances the creation of a strong community and innovative design solutions for shared spaces, and diverse housing types.
Project Details
- CLT wood construction
- Social housing
- Housing Cooperative
- Communal spaces
- Diverse housing typologies
The central patio connects all apartments and shared functions on the ground floor and can be entered from the main street.
Next to the patio entrance the public cafe is situated.
Team de Nieuwe Meent
Co-op de Nieuwe Meent
Raumplan i.c.w. Time to Access
Zenitbouw B.V.
Step Engineering
W/E Adviseurs