Amsterdam, NL | 3.500m2 | 2023
A housing project in Amsterdam's financial district. The plot sits at the entrance of a half-enclosed courtyard, hugging a tall tower with student housing. Our approach for this project was all about 'Low tech, high performance'. Together with the sustainability advisers of W/E we developed a building that is nearly free of technical cooling and heating. Instead, we opted for nature-assisted solutions, like natural cooling and ventilation by means of a solar chimney.
ground floor plan
Project Details
- Mostly biodegradable building materials
- low on mechanized climate control
- Residential
- Retail
The building consists of three volumes: a middle part with generously recessed outdoor spaces made in wood, bookended by two orthogonal volumes designed to work with the rithm of the avenue.
The building pays homage to the Paris works of architect Henri Sauvage - master of creating beauty and unexpected qualities in congested spaces.
Sauvage is a corner building most of all. On the ground floor are retail spaces meant for a small bistro or a social function for the neighborhood.
Instead of only set-backs to the garden on the North, we propose terraces on the west side as well where there's public space and plenty of sun.
The apartments are folded around an interior atrium. Besides circulation space, this atrium serves as a conduit for fresh air set in motion by the solar chimney on the roof.
typical floor plan
Team Sauvage
Van Bekkum & Plan Libre Development
W/E & Ginkel Groep